Kids Books - Health

Tornado!: The Story Behind These Twisting, Turning, Spinning, and Spiraling Storms (National Geographic Kids)

Tornado!: The Story Behind These Twisting, Turning, Spinning, and Spiraling Storms (National Geographic Kids)

By Judy Fradin, Dennis Fradin

oh my god tornados are so interesting but really dangerous this is lolipop over and out

All Dogs Have ADHD

All Dogs Have ADHD

By Kathy Hoopmann

this is so cute

Cooking Rocks!: Rachael Ray 30-Minute Meals for Kids

Cooking Rocks!: Rachael Ray 30-Minute Meals for Kids

By Rachael Ray

i like this book because it cooking rocks and i like the author rachael ray

Maybe: A Little Zen for Little Ones

Maybe: A Little Zen for Little Ones

By Sanjay Nambiar

Great book that makes Zen stories accessible for today's kids! Cute illustrations, deep meaning, fun read!

Anxiety and Panic Attacks (Teen Mental Health)

Anxiety and Panic Attacks (Teen Mental Health)

By Judith Levin

This book is about anxiety and panic attack. By reading this book, we can know what causes anxiety and panic attack and what are some effects and symptoms of them. It also introduces the difference between anxiety and panic disorder. The reader can also learn about the common anxiety disorders. It is possible to control anxiety and panic attack by getting some treatments such as talking to a therapist or a psychiatrist, taking a medication, and using natural healing powers of their minds and bodies. I chose to read this book because I was writing an essay about anxiety and depression and I need to know some information about anxiety. This book is basically telling the reading that people can experience anxiety and panic attack during their lifetime and there are ways that we can do to control it and further onwards make us feel better. The important conclusion of this book is that in order to make the patient feel happy again they have to be patient and get help. I agree with the author’s conclusion because anxiety and panic attacks aren’t illnesses that can become better in a short amount of time. In addition, getting help is the only way that can help them because if they don’t tell another one about it and just hide it inside, they will become more and more unhappy. This is a really helpful book to both people that think they have anxiety and panic attacks and people that don’t have them. To people that think they have those illnesses, they can further on make sure whether they really have them or not. If they are sure that they have those illnesses, they can know what should they do to control it and where to get help. For people that don’t have them, they will know that it is really difficult for people that are diagnosed with those illnesses and may understand their pain and empathize them. For the reasons above, I would like to recommend this book to the people around me. Overall, this is a valuable book.



By Edwidge Danticat

I found this book on the front shelf at my school library, which means it had been recently purchased for the school. I thought it looked interesting, and I was correct. This is a heartbreaking story, told through the eyes of Giselle, an identical twin to Isabelle. When Giselle and her family get in a car accident, terrible things happen. Giselle is mistaken for her sister, and thinks she may find herself a 'dosa'. You will have to read to see if she become the 'untwinned one' or will her life go back to normal, or as normal as it can become after the unthinkable has happened.



By Chandler Baker


it's amazzing

Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse

Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse

By Lindsay Barrett George

this book is about in inside mouse sleeps next to the clock and outside mouse sleeps in a stump and inside mouse plays inside hes house and outside mouse plays outside and ater they ran next to a flowerpot they solled a outside mouse and outside mouse solled a inside mouse and they both sed hellow i thought this book was a good book ever!

10 Things For Teen Girls

10 Things For Teen Girls

By Kate Conner

I read this book it is great now I totally know what's going to happen next year!!!!byeeeeee



By Jason Chin

This is a fun book, and i read it in class. my teacher pointed out a lot of fun things in the pictures along the book.

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