When I first got this book, I thought it was going to be something like Big Nate: A simple yet very funny and attaching story. But this story wasn't a Big Nate. Nowhere even close. And that's a really, really, good thing, because, after reading it, I wouldn't have it any other way. After reading the first chapter, which was kind of slow, I thought that the whole book was a lost cause. But I have a strict policy not to judge the book until I read the very last page, so on I read. I found myself getting sucked up into Jamie's world, wheelchair and all. Yeah, I know, you wouldn't think a "stand-up" comedian would have to sit in a wheelchair, you'd expect someone in a wheelchair to belong to a book like "Out of my Mind." But no, Jamie did not get misplaced in the wrong story. He is the perfect character in this story, trying to fulfill his dreams of being a real comedian, despite the fact that he tends to "choke" when in front of big crowds. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how there were pictures in this book, I wouldn't have it any other way. This book was well matched in every area: drama, humor, romance, tragedy, you name it. My only critique would be that when Jamie tells a mild joke, everyone cracks up or laughs their head off, even though the joke isn't "super" funny. But all in all, I love this book and recommend it to anyone, especially middle schoolers! He funny.