What is futuristic, has the potential to transport passengers faster than an airplane, and resembles a Disneyland ride? It's Hyperloop - a design for a supersonic transportation system between high-traffic cities that lie within short distances conjured up Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX, the world's first privately funded spacecraft....
Read news articleOn April 26th, 2013, 89 school and colleges teams from 23 US States, Puerto Rico, Canada, India, Germany, Russia and Mexico, gathered at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama to participate in NASA's Great Moonbuggy Race....
Read news articleHere's some news that may make those of you dreading the upcoming hurricane season, feel a tad better - Even Saturn gets hit with them! Except in the case of the ringed-planet, they are much bigger, more powerful and last indefinitely....
Read news articleIf some New Age spiritualists are to be believed, the world as we know it, is going to end on December 21st. Why? All because the Mayan calendar seems to stop abruptly on this date. However, experts are not so sure that this doomsday scenario has any legs....
Read news articleOn November 16th, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), captured on tape two spectacular back-to back sun eruptions. Also known as solar prominences, they are large glowing clouds of gas that periodically explode from the Sun's surface....
Read news articleOn Wednesday October 10th, 2012, two and a half days after it was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida atop a Falcon 9 rocket, Dragon the first commercial cargo spacecraft was carefully snared in by a robotic arm and 'tamed' by the scientists aboard the International Space Station....
Read news articleOn Sunday, August 5th, 2012, NASA scientists successfully landed the massive 2,000 pound Mars Science Laboratory AKA Curiosity on the surface of the Red Planet, a feat that was truly considered one of the most momentous events in the history of Space....
Read news articleOn Sunday, August 5th, 2012, at about 10.31pm PST (1.31pm EST), the world will experience what NASA scientists are calling 'The Seven Minutes Of Terror' - The successful landing of the 2,000 pound Mars Science Laboratory AKA Curiosity on the surface of the Red Planet....
Read news articleIf the current space suits worn by astronauts seem a little cumbersome and unwieldy, they are. That's because in order to protect the explorers, the suit has to be able to withstand extreme temperatures, space debris and be equipped with a rather bulky Primary Life Support Subsystem - A survival kit for astronauts that contains amongst other things, an oxygen tank, a device to get rid of the exhaled carbon dioxide, a battery, a radio and even a warning system in case the space walker needs to be rescued....
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