Vote for up to 3 Books – THIS VOTING IS FOR TEENS ONLY
2017 Teens Top Reads
Teens' Top Ten is a "teen choice" list, where teens nominate and choose their favorite books of the previous year! Voting is open from August 15 to through Teen Read Week, which is October 8-14, 2017! The Top Ten titles will be announced the week of October 18, 2017, so check back to see the winners!
Vote for up to 3 Books – THIS VOTING IS FOR TEENS ONLY
Vote for up to 3 Books – THIS VOTING IS FOR TEENS ONLY
2017 Teens Top Ten List (26)
- Dozzey2211almost 7 yearsThe book 13 Reasons Why is an incredible teenager book. Very powerful, and meaningful.
- dogloverforeverabout 7 yearsthese books are so good
- kkabout 7 yearsSimon vs the Homosapiens Agenda deserved better
- 11over 7 yearsi loved the book the book tell me three things
- Emmeover 7 yearsThe books are chosen from among the ones published that year. You can't just vote for some random book that was written a decade ago. Did anybody even read how this is done? It's right at the top of the page. Duh.
- Meover 7 yearsI wish Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit or any of Tolkien's other works were here. I'm in 10th grade and I'm reading the Silmarillion and I really like it. I haven't read any of these yet and I just wish there were more classic books here.
- Harambeover 7 yearsAwesome!
- bobby mcfergunsover 7 yearsHi guys, it eric to these boks all suk as. I would personally recommend the harryp ortman seires. een thoiugh it is vary old it sitll hod up to tod'ays books; it is uber good.
- Mariahover 7 yearsI've never read any of these!