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The Lego Movie Awesome Adventures (DK Readers Level 2)
By Helen Murray
Enjoy the world of the LEGO[registered] Movie with this Level 2 Reader LEGO[registered] Movie Awesome Adventures is a brand new book introducing readers to the LEGO Movie universe. This DK Reader will be enjoyed by young learners and fans of the movie with its light-hearted and fun storyline. Level 2 Readers have easy-to-read stories with word repetition, pictures and illustrated text boxes to build literacy skills. DK Readers are a multi-level reading programme guaranteed to capture a child's interest while developing reading skills and general knowledge - compatible with the framework for teaching literacy.
Publisher: DK Children
ISBN-13: 9781409341680
ISBN-10: 1409341682
Published on 1/16/2014
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 32
Book Reviews (6)
This book is so cool I just want to ask my mom to by it, so me, my brother, and sister so all 3 of us can read it together and laugh at funny parts of the book of The Lego Movie, and I'm getting the movie for Christmas Eve.
This book is so coooooooooooooooool.
the robots are cool
wow its so cool!