Princess Academy

Princess Academy

By Shannon Hale

103 ratings 122 reviews 82 followers
Book 1 of 2 in the  Princess Academy Series
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 4 - 8V663201
Miri lives on a mountain where, for generations, her ancestors have quarried stone and lived a simple life. Then word comes that the king's priests have divined her small village the home of the future princess. In a year's time, the prince himself will come and choose his bride from among the girls of the village. The king's ministers set up an academy on the mountain, and every teenage girl must attend and learn how to become a princess.
Miri soon finds herself confronted with a harsh academy mistress, bitter competition among the girls, and her own conflicting desires to be chosen and win the heart of her childhood best friend. But when bandits seek out the academy to kidnap the future princess, Miri must rally the girls together and use a power unique to the mountain dwellers to save herself and her classmates.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN-13: 9781408869888
ISBN-10: 1408869888
Published on 6/18/2015
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 320

Book Reviews (123)

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All my friends say it was a really good book about a girl named Miri who goes academy to be a princess. It sounds cool.

I just love this!!! This just perfectly describes the feelings of a girl plunged into a new world!! I already read the whole series and it is - hands down - the best book I have ever read! ( And that's saying a lot, since I basically read one book every day.) I hope Shannon makes some more like this!!!!

This book was amazing. I was really surprised because when I first read the description, I wasn't "crazy" about it. Royalty, and princes aren't really my kind of books. However, I am really glad I decided to read it. In this book Mira is a smaller-than-normal girl who lives in a small town. She wants more than anything to belong, and to work along the other town members, but is forbidden to. Then the prince is looking for a bride and the unlikely mountainside territory is chosen. All the of-age girls are forced to attend a school where they will learn to become princesses. At the end of the year, a ball would be held and the prince will choose his princess. This is a story about fitting in, and contentedness in your home, as well as dreams. In this story there is adventure and several action scenes, but is mostly more of a realistic fiction story. I recommend it to everyone!

I loved this book! I especially loved the plot twist at the end! Mirri is a girl in a hardworking city that isn't allowed to do work because of something that happened to her mother. Then one day, she finds out that a competition to find the next princess is going to be held in her hometown! I definitely loved this book a lot and the sequel was good too!

It was really interesting. It had adventure, a little romance, and friendship. It had an amazing feeling. I really enjoyed it and I think you would too.

This book described the beauty and harmony of the mountain and was quite interesting.

I love this series!!!!!!

I love this book - honestly, I would have to say this is one of my top ten favorite books, just because it captures emotions so perfectly, and the author's voice is fresh and captures the reader's imagination right away. The poems that start almost every chapter and very creative and sometimes, downright funny, and I felt the emotions that the characters were feeling, such as fear, uncertainty, and joy, among many other emotions. Now let's get on with the review! Miri is a small girl living in a territory called Mount Eskel. Everyone who lives on Mount Eskel works in the quarry and cuts linder, which they later sell to merchants visiting Mount Eskel. Unfortunately, Miri is too small and weak to help the village cut linder, and therefore feels useless and unwanted. However, she has a close relationship with her father and her sister, and her crush/friend Peder. However, the prince is getting ready to choose a bride, and the country's priests have declared that the prince's bride will come from.. Mount Eskel! Mount Eskel? Everyone, including the royal family, is immediately shocked - they all think that it's just a lowly territory, has no influence on the kingdom, and basically has a lot of prejudice on it. Reluctantly, they use the fanciest building in Mount Eskel and dub it, "The Princess Academy," where girls from the age of 12-18 will prepare for the opportunity of a lifetime - to become a princess. Miri and the other girls attend "The Princess Academy," where all the lessons are taught by a harsh and strict teacher, Tutor Olana. However, Miri is very bright and excels at learning, commerce, and nearly all the other subjects through time. Since their current situation is unbearable, since they hardly ever get to see their families and they receive brutal punishments, Miri and the other girls, with their new manners and diplomacy, convince Tutor Olana to let them have weekly visits home. That was a step in the right direction, and now everything seems to flow into place like a river. Miri starts learning quarry-speech, which is communication used in quarries that is non-verbal. (It is non-verbal because the noise in the quarry is too loud for people to hear human talk.) Miri also befriends a quiet, far-away girl named Britta, who has just moved to Mount Eskel and is still considered a "lowlander," which means someone who is "fancy," or generally closer to the kingdom ways than the Mount Eskel ways. Miri's willingness and eagerness to learn and her new-found friendships with the other girls earns her the title of "Academy Princess." This grants her to wear a beautiful, silk-like dress to the ball and also have the first dance with the prince at the actual ball. At the ball, the prince turns out to be so formal and boring, unlike how the girls imagined him. He dances with every girl except Britta, who is ill and distant, and is very solemn, serious, formal, and boring to each of them. Later, he takes a walk with Miri and reveals his more human side. However, he leaves without choosing a bride, telling everyone that he will return in the spring and then choose a bride. Oh, no. BANDITS! Bandits are here! They have a horrible motive of taking hostage "The Chosen One," or the prince's future bride, and keeping her until the prince and the royal family pays them to get her back. (They probably will kill the other girls who aren't the princess!) What will Miri and the other girls do? If they do survive the bandits, who will become the princess? Read this book to find out! This book has a twist ending, and I absolutely loved the twist ending - it was perfect! The main character was perfectly relatable, because I was teased and I always thought I was useless for not being able to do things that other, taller people could do. The characters are woven into the story like a tapestry, and the story flows as smoothly as a small stream. The gentle, beautiful parts are as amazing as silk, and the parts that make you gasp and want to read more are really jagged and perfect (like Mount Eskel!) I rate this, absolutely, 5 stars, hands down. READ!


My friend was reading this book and it sounds interesting. If you like this one, read Palace of Stone too

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