Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets is about Harrys second year at Hogwarts. Many crazy events happen that really make you want to keep reading. If I had to choose what Harry Potter you should definitely read i'd say this one.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
By J.K. Rowling
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grades 10 - 8 | V | 6.7 | 84799 |
In one of the most hotly anticipated sequel in memory, J.K. Rowling takes up where she left off with Harry's second year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Old friends and new torments abound, including a spirit named Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girls' bathroom, an outrageously conceited professor, Gilderoy Lockheart, and a mysterious force that turns Hogwarts students to stone.
Book Reviews (577)
Very good, J.K. Rowling! I really enjoyed the book's story and the introducing of Dobby. I hope I see Dobby in more Harry Potter books. Lockhart was the kinda guy who is full of himself. Really good book! I hope I see more of the great work in the other books.
i loved this book so much i cant believe it and at first i didn't like it!!!! at first i put it down but then when i picked it back up again i was so into it i could see every thing going on in my head and then after i finished it i watched the movie and it wasn't as good as the book cause the book was more detailed but yeah 5 stars every one should read this series really
Dobby is by far the most amazing character I have met so far! What a great book! Read it!
this book if fantastic if you want to read it is about a boy named harry potter. He is a magical wizard.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a remarkable book about Harry Potter,Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley who are facing new challenges during their second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as they are trying to figure out the dark magic terrorizing the school. I liked this book because it is very entertaining and it also is a fun mystery. I would recommend this book for children ages 9 and up because of the intensity of the book. I also recommend this book for grades 4th and up.
I really love this book it is about a boy who discovers he is magical
Every time I flipped a page a new adventure began. This book took me to a whole new world full of magic. This story has so many amazing characters.
Harry Potter has just learned he is famous in the wizardry world, and now he's back for the second adventure! Old friends and new torments are all about, including Moaning Myrtle, who haunts the bathrooms. There's a mysterious force that causes students to turn to stone, mysterious blood written messages and a Basilisk snake hidden in the Chambers. Harry, Ron and Hermione go down into the chambers to rescue Ginny, Ron's younger sister. Together, they defeat the Basilisk, with the Gryffindor sword and all hope is found! I rate Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 5 stars πππππ for it's amazing plot twists, and adventure! I recommend this book for children over 10 years of age. J.K Rowling is at it again with another amazing book!
Harry Potter has just learned he is famous in the wizardry world, and now he's back for the second adventure! Old friends and new torments are all about, including Moaning Myrtle, who haunts the bathrooms. There's a mysterious force that causes students to turn to stone, mysterious blood written messages and a Basilisk snake hidden in the Chambers. Harry, Ron and Hermionie go down into the chambers to rescue Ginny, Ron's younger sister. Together, they deafeat the Basilisk, with the Gryffindor sword and all hope is found! I rate Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 5 stars πππππ for it's amazing plot twists, and adventure! I recommend this book for children over 10 since there is killing! J.K Rowling is at it again with another amazing book!