Freckle Juice

Freckle Juice

By Judy Blume

58 ratings 56 reviews 43 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 1 - 4M3.13318
More than anything in the world, Andrew wants freckles. His classmate Nicky has freckles -- they cover his face, his ears, and the whole back of his neck. (Once sitting behind him in class, Andrew counted eighty-six of them, and that was just a start!

One day after school, Andrew screws up enough courage to ask Nicky where he got his freckles. And, as luck would have it, who should overhear him but giggling, teasing Sharon (who makes frog faces at everybody!)

Sharon offers Andrew her secret freckle juice recipe -- for fifty cents.

That's a lot of money to Andrew -- five whole weeks allowance! He spends a sleepless night, torn between his desire for freckles and his reluctance to part with such a substantial sum of money. Finally, the freckles win, and Andrew decides to accept Sharon's offer.

After school, Andrew rushes home (with the recipe tucked into his shoe for safekeeping). He carefully begins to mix the strange combination of ingredients -- and immediately runs into some unforeseen problems.

How Andrew finally manages to achieve a temporary set of freckles -- and then isn't sure he really wants them -- makes a warm and hilarious story.
Published on 3/27/2014
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (56)

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Andrew loves freckles, but theres one problem Andrew doesn't have any.So Sharon gives Andrew the recipe for freckle juice , he makes it but turns out sick . So Andrew runs home to get a brown marker and to prove Sharon wrong.

A boy wants freckles, so his mom doesn't know his face is dirty. When a girl in his class makes a cure for freckles, he starts saving up her money to pay her, eager to have freckles. But something unexpected happens. A wonderful short novel, every Judy Blume fan will enjoy this book.

OMG! I love this book! I found it so funny and very interesting! Youshould totally read this book! (:

haha i love this book

I liked this book because everyone loves freckles! The main boy in the story thinks so and wants to find a way to get some. Funny book.

When I picked up this book I just could not put it down!I love the way that Andrew want's freckles but when Sharon gave him the secret formula to freckle juice I think he learned his lesson about listening to Sharon.