Freckle Juice

Freckle Juice

By Judy Blume

58 ratings 56 reviews 43 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 1 - 4M3.13318
More than anything in the world, Andrew wants freckles. His classmate Nicky has freckles -- they cover his face, his ears, and the whole back of his neck. (Once sitting behind him in class, Andrew counted eighty-six of them, and that was just a start!

One day after school, Andrew screws up enough courage to ask Nicky where he got his freckles. And, as luck would have it, who should overhear him but giggling, teasing Sharon (who makes frog faces at everybody!)

Sharon offers Andrew her secret freckle juice recipe -- for fifty cents.

That's a lot of money to Andrew -- five whole weeks allowance! He spends a sleepless night, torn between his desire for freckles and his reluctance to part with such a substantial sum of money. Finally, the freckles win, and Andrew decides to accept Sharon's offer.

After school, Andrew rushes home (with the recipe tucked into his shoe for safekeeping). He carefully begins to mix the strange combination of ingredients -- and immediately runs into some unforeseen problems.

How Andrew finally manages to achieve a temporary set of freckles -- and then isn't sure he really wants them -- makes a warm and hilarious story.
Published on 3/27/2014
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (56)

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this book was very interesting and funny.

Andrew really wants freckles. He envies Nicky because he has many freckles all over his face, ears, neck and hands. Andrew wants to get freckles because then his mom won't have to tell him to wash up because she won't even be able to see that he is dirty with all those freckles. Then, one day, in class, Sharon tells Andrew that he can get freckles by brewing up an concoction and drinking it. Does he get freckles? Read it to find out!

This book was good, but it is for lower reading levels. I would recommend it for second through fourth graders. The book is about a boy who really wants freckles, and doesn't have any. A girl in his class says she will give him the secret recipe for "freckle juice" for fifty cents, so the boy pays. But will the juice work, or will he be laughed at in school for being so gullible?

Andrew wanted freckles. Nicky Lane had freckles. He had like a million of them. Sharon said to Andrew to give her 50 cents, and she would give him the secret to get freckles. Andrew gave her 50 cents, and she gave him the secret. When he drank it, he got sick.So the next day he didn't go to school.The day after, he put blue dots on his face to make freckles.

Andrew wants freckles. Nikki has more than 83! Sharon knows how to make freckles.She gives him a recepie . They are:onions,grape juice,peppers and some more stuff.He drank it.Nothing happend .It just gave him a tummy ache.Next day he went school he had a marker and made freckles. he got to school and his teacher told him:You look better without freckles. Maybe you should take them of with this freckle remover.Can I said Nikki.You look wonderful with them.Andrew should not put them on because someday he might get sick like that.

Andrew really wants freckles, and he will do anything to get them, or so he says. His friend named Nick has hundreds of freckles, and finally Andrew decides he is going to ask Nick were he got them. Of course, mean Sharon had been eavesdropping, and says sh'll sell Andrew a recipe for freckle juice for fifty cents- that's a lot for Andrew! Finally, he decides to accept her offer, only to get a huge problem!

Freckles. That's what school-age Andrew wants. His classmate Nicky has freckles, so why shouldn't he? In attempt to get freckles, he bumps into Sharon, who, apparently, has a solution. Should he take the offer?He does. But after Sharon's so-called recipe backfires, Andrew won't dare go back to school without freckles. Unless... Find out in this hilarious, but warm, all-time winning Judy Blume book! I loved this book! It was great, and inspired me to read more Judy Blume books!

This book is about a boy who really wants freckles, so his friend uses grape juice to make freckles all over his face. I really liked this book because I have freckles, and I think they are nice on people.

Hi, i am going to tell you about a funny book called Freckle Juice,and it's by a women called Judy Blu-me. It's about Andrew Marcuse his classmate Nick had freckles and he wanted freckles and Sharon said i know how to get freckles and she said I will tell you for for 50 cents he said OK and the next. Morning sh gave him the recipe and his mom was at Mrs.Burrows house and she said come get the key from me he said OK an that afternoon he went to Mrs.Burrows house to get the key from his mom and he went home to make the recipe and he got sick and he went to bed and the next morning he put blue freckles on his face.

it was funny he put blue dots on his face and Sharon trick him

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