This coming-of-age story centers on Miguel, a young sheep farmer. Miguel helps his family with the sheep, but desires to be treated like a grownup. Despite of wanting to grow up, it takes him by surprise when adults take him seriously and ask for his opinion. A lot of this book is describing how sheep are raised(how they are sheared, how the young sheep are taken care, what happens to orphan sheep, ect). I found these parts interesting, and I felt like the book did a good job of staying focused to the plot, even when describing the culture. While this book was interesting, and a worthwhile read, it's not the type of book I'd reread(unless I forgot most of it). This book was good, but I felt like it was more of a Newbery Honor book than the Newbery book it was. It just wasn't as compelling as I would have liked. I found it really interesting, but not to the point where I couldn't put it down.
...And Now Miguel
By Joseph Krumgold
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grades 10 - 9 | Z | 4.8 | 56043 |
When you act like and adult but get treated like a child, what else can you do but keep your wishes secret and pray that they'll come true.
This is the story of a twelve-year-old Miguel Chavez, who yearns in his heart to go with the men of his family on a long and hard sheep drive to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains -- until his prayer is finally answered, with a disturbing and dangerous exchange.
Publisher: William A. Thomas Braille Bookstore
ISBN-13: 9781569563960
ISBN-10: 1569563969
Published on 10/1/1993
Binding: Hardcover