Dork Diaries 9: Tales from a Not-So-Dorky Drama Queen

Dork Diaries 9: Tales from a Not-So-Dorky Drama Queen

By Rachel Renée Russell

174 ratings 387 reviews 342 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 5n/a4.928171

Nikki Maxwell’s worst nightmare comes true in book nine of the #1 New York Times bestselling Dork Diaries series!

A certain member of the CCP girls Dork fans know all about has gotten her hands on Nikki’s diary and has decided to share some thoughts of her own…Find out what happens when Nikki’s worst nightmare becomes a reality. Welcome to Mackenzie’s world!!

Publisher: Aladdin
ISBN-13: 9781442487697
ISBN-10: 1442487690
Published on 6/2/2015
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 352

Book Reviews (365)

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I heard about this book on a website. My friend gab gab and jaja know about it. There is going to be one when Mackenzie steals Nikki's diary!! That's what the author wrote for the summary. I want to read SOOOO badly!!!

Wait wait wait wait wait. The stolen diary is the plot of book 3 1/2, How to Dork Your Diary. Anyways, super exited for book 9!

No. In the new book its going to be when Nikki lost her diary and its telling from Mackenzie's side of the story.

i haven't read it but i think it is going to be awesome

i dint even know there was a new one i want to read it so badly


im awesome im awesome

I cant believe its coming out I love these books :]

I am getting this!!! A movie coming out in 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAAAAAT!??? A Dork Diaries MOVIE!? AwesomeSydney needs to see!!

Everyone already knows. Or at least i do.

*jaw drops* I find it hard to tell if a movie would be good or not.

woo mine blowing

Man:( I hope I can read this book!!

This is going to be the first book I'll ever like. How much is it? Anyway, do you know badly I want to read this. My friend better not spoil it for me.

Its not coming out until June :(

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