Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the seven books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (7)
  • unicorn1612
    unicorn1612over 4 years
    Hi I am new pleses follow i will get back with you i followed 2 pepole so yah by.
  • lolatheute
    lolatheuteover 4 years
    hey guys sorry I have not been on for a while. I am mega busy XD. have a good day!!!!!!!!
  • lilsmok11
    lilsmok11over 4 years
    hey i am new can you read books on her
  • lilsmok11
    lilsmok11over 4 years
    hey just wanna say i am new here if any one follows me i will follow back
  • sunlightsunshin
    sunlightsunshinover 4 years
    Hey remember sunshine-sunlight that's me my dogo got erased so may you follow me I'll follow back
  • vintaqe
    vintaqeover 4 years
    💕 hi everyone! 💕
    • 100letters
      100lettersover 4 years
      Hi everyone! I have a goal of 25 followers. Will you please help me reach it? Thanks!
      • 100letters
        100lettersover 4 years
        Hi! Here’s a quiz: 1) What is the heaviest type of parrot in the world? 2) What place holds 90% of the world’s fresh water? 3) What is another name for goji berries? 4) Can flying squirrels be kept as pets? 5) What is the largest organism on Earth?
      • warriorsgirl11
        warriorsgirl11over 4 years
        Hi! I've wanted to ask you some questions : 1. What is your favorite book series? 2. Where do you live? 3. How did you find DOGO? My answeres: 1. Warriors! 2. South Korea 3. My academy tutor decided to use DOGO for classes, so I found DOGO.
        • sunshine2010
          sunshine2010over 4 years
          1. Can't choose 2. Cape town South Africa 3. My mum downloaded a kids app so I found dogo
          • 4usa
            4usaover 4 years
            Keeper of the lost cities, Michigan USA, it was a suggested website on my tablet. Thanks for the questions!
            • bookfan2009
              bookfan2009over 4 years
              1. I have a BUNCH to be honest, maybe one is Spy School or KOTLC. 2. USA. 3. School, since we were reading a news article on DOGO about how dogs can ( maybe) understand us to be specific! Thanks for the questions!
            • girlpower4ever
              girlpower4everover 4 years
              1. Harry Potter 2. USA 3. My school uses it a lot!
              • teagytornado101
                teagytornado101over 4 years
                1.The Puppy Place! 2. USA (Sorry I don't wanna say what state!) 3.My teacher
                • ramonakitty
                  ramonakittyover 4 years
                  1. Harry Potter 2. California (U.S.A) 3. I found it when I was looking for current events.
                  • beachbreeze16
                    beachbreeze16over 4 years
                    1. Hard to choose, i love Percy Jackson and Artemis Fowl and The Lunar Chronicles 2. Texas 3. My mom found it as a homeschooling resource
                    • lovetoread26
                      lovetoread26over 4 years
                      1. The hunger games. 2. The United States. 3. My 4th grade teacher. It’s really cool that you live in South Korea!
                      • roxanne3
                        roxanne3over 4 years
                        Hi @warriorsgirl11!! Congrats on being a Top Summer Reader!! My answers: 1. Keeper of the Lost Cities and Harry Potter. 2. Alaska (USA) 3. I started using it to find Current Events for my 6th grade class. :)
                      • 100letters
                        100lettersover 4 years
                        1) Warrior cats or Wings of Fire 2) the US, but I’m from India 3) My mom found it. Thank you!
                      • bsc
                        bscover 4 years
                        Keep up the good work everyone!

                      Summer Reading 2020 has ended!

                      April 29 - August 18, 2020
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