Summer Reading 2018
KIDS - Read & Win Free Books!
How ? Its fun and easy.....
- Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
- Select books from Reading List
- Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks
- Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
- Do it again (till Prizes last)
* max of 16 books per entry
Reading List (50)
Prizes (50)
- dolphin8over 6 yearsya friends cool
- dolphin8over 6 yearsCOOL
- spykittenover 6 yearsSUMMER READING IS ALMOST OVER!!!! OMG!!!
- applemangoover 6 yearsWell I'm sure waiting for the next summer reading program!
- auntiebover 6 yearsYES!!! I am so excited for next year!!! I'm planning on starting on time and getting reading all the books!!
- pizzagirl7over 6 yearsMe too!!
- auntiebover 6 yearsDid you start late too?!
- pizzagirl7over 6 yearsYes half way through because I was busy
- auntiebover 6 yearsYou still reached a good amount of books though!
- spykittenover 6 yearsMe too!
- haydengirl71907over 6 yearshow do you like my new look ?
- applemangoover 6 yearsWe're twins!
- spykittenover 6 yearsLOL!
- auntiebover 6 yearsYou look like Applemango! :)
- dolphin8over 6 yearslove it auntied
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearsnice!
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearswell i was kind of hoping that i was going to be able to get to one of the top readers, oh well good job for those who did!
- applemangoover 6 yearsYou could still work it up!! You have 14 days!!!
- auntiebover 6 yearsActually there are only 5 days left.......
- applemangoover 6 yearsOh right!
- auntiebover 6 years:)
- auntiebover 6 yearsYou still have time!!
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearsi know but i have only read 18 books! still good but hoping
- auntiebover 6 yearsThere are some really short books that are easy to read!!!!
- auntiebover 6 yearsThanks!
- applemangoover 6 yearsCongrats to everyone!!! I hope most people make it to 50 books when the program ends!!!!
- auntiebover 6 yearsYeah I really want to! (I got a little distracted with working on book quizzes for awhile!)
- applemangoover 6 yearsWell, good luck! You got 14 days!!!
- auntiebover 6 yearsThanks! I'm planning on finishing the Red Pyramid and getting my 14th prize and not trying to cram in the rest of my 8 books in less than 5 days.
- olliebobover 6 yearsThanks for sending me Explorer Academy: The Nebula Secret and for choosing me to be an Advanced Reader. I really appreciate it and have been reading it nonstop!
- applemangoover 6 yearsThanks Dogo for sending me the Nebula Secret!!!!
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearswell i was going to ask you guys some more stuff but this is all i got 1) when it comes to music, are you an oldies greats or modern muse? i guess i am a bit of both because i love 80s but i really like owl city witch is kinda modern
- spykittenover 6 yearsI LOVE OWL CITY!
- applemangoover 6 yearsI like modern better but some songs I like are a little back in time!
- lumosover 6 yearsI like both, mostly modern music though.
- spykittenover 6 yearsYup!
- applemangoover 6 yearsYup!
- olliebobover 6 yearsBoth! I love The Beatles and a bunch of eighties music like Take On Me but I also love stuff like Imagine Dragons.
- kruzingwithk9sover 6 yearsgot a fave 80s song? too many for me
- olliebobover 6 yearsOh man! Soooo hard. I know this is more 70s but I love the Jackson Five. I like Dancing Queen by Abba. I like Take On Me by A-Ha. I like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper. Oh, there are way too many greats!
- lumosover 6 yearsImagine Dragons?!?! I LOVE THEM
- olliebobover 6 yearsYes, I know, they are THE BEST!!!
- applemangoover 6 yearsYup! Me too!!
- reader_redover 6 yearsThanks dogobooks again!!! I just got two of my summer reading prizes in the mail!
- lumosover 6 yearsGreat! Which ones?
- lumosover 6 yearsI’m at 45 books :) wish me luck
- auntiebover 6 yearsGood luck which books do you have left to read?
- applemangoover 6 yearsGood Luck!!!
- applemangoover 6 yearsCrossing my fingers for you!!!
- auntiebover 6 yearsYay! I just finished my 40th book!
- applemangoover 6 yearsI read 50!! Good Luck!!
- auntiebover 6 yearsGood job!
- auntiebover 6 yearsI wonder how many books everybody else has read?
Summer Reading 2018 Stats
Books read: | |
Books reviewed: | |
Prizes won: | |
Schools participating: |