In this book, Nancy Drew, a amateur sleuth, faces another baffling case. The case is given to her from some pro detectives, they started the case, but ran out of time and had to leave. Nancy is tasked with discovering the treasure, assumed to be in a hollow oak tree. Maby it is not time that will stop her, but can Nancy find the treasure, will she run out of time, or run into something more sinister?

Message in the Hollow Oak
By Carolyn Keene
Book 12 of 64 in the
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories Series
Nancy Drew tackles a mystery professional detectives failed to solve--finding a valuable centuries-old message in a hollow oak tree in Illinois.
Publisher: Applewood Books
ISBN-13: 9781557092588
ISBN-10: 1557092583
Published on 5/1/1999
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 210