Looking for JJ

Looking for JJ

By Anne Cassidy

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Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 9 - 12Grades 3 - 5n/a4.969786
Three children walked away from the cottages on the edge of town toward Berwick Waters. Later that day, only two of them came back. . . .
Alice Tully knows exactly what happened that spring day six years ago, though it's still hard for her to believe it. She'll never be able to forget, even though she's trying to lead a normal life--she has a job, friends, and a boyfriend whom she adores. But Alice's past is dangerous, and violent, and sad . . . and it's about to rip her new life apart.
A gripping and emotionally searing novel by accomplished British author Anne Cassidy, Looking for JJ infuses a terrifying subject with humanity and hope.
Publisher: Graphia
Published on 4/6/2009
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 336

Book Reviews (1)

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I haven't read the book yet! But it's definitely something I'm looking forward to reading. In my head, I think this book is not dreary and upsetting. It's just my opinion on the book. Mhmm, I'm so looking forward to reading this book...whenever I get the chance.