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Fortnite Coloring Book (Part 3): (Unofficial Fortnite Coloring Book for Kids 30+ Weapon coloring pages)
By Mercury Forter
Looking for Fortnite coloring books for kids? – Look no further!
Welcome to this Amazing Unofficial Fortnite weapons coloring page collection. Great quality Fortnite coloring book pages with your favorite weapons and rifles from Fortnite Battle Royale!
This book holds 30+ weapon coloring designs, so you’ll get busy for sure! It’s a great Fortnite gift as well, if you have some fans among your friends and family. There are many Fortnite books for kids on Amazon, but note that Fortnite Coloring Book PART 3 brings you quality you are looking for. Also, look out for PART 1 and PART 2 Fortnite Coloring books for kids – coming soon! TAGS that this book offers: fortnite coloring book for kids, fortnite book,fortnite book for xbox one,fortnite book ps4,fortnite bookbag,fortnite book tips,fortnite book for kids,fortnite book guide,fortnite book bags,fortnite book save the world,fortnite book with pictures,fortnite book xbox one,fortnite book 2018, fortnite guide. Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 9781717500267
ISBN-10: 1717500269
Published on 4/27/2018
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 36