2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

ScienceWednesday, November 17, 2010 at 6:21 pm

Mrs. IngleKids, this week its all fun practical science in all the stories.

Have fun learning and make sure you comment.

Will Drilling Into A Volcano Save Naples?

Naples, the capital of Campania, Italy, is known for many things - It's rich history, culture, architecture, music and most importantly, for inventing pizza. However, the city's location, right near, Mount Vesuvias, an active volcano that has erupted 50 times since that fateful day in 79 A.D., when it buried Pompeii and its sister city, Herculaneum. Now, geologists are trying to see if they can predict the next major eruption and save the beautiful city of Naples, from a similar fate.

Could Jellyfish Protein Power Nano Medical Devices?

Researchers at Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology, believe that protein from jellyfish may be a new source of energy - one that could aid medical science power nanotechnology devices (tools that can manipulate matter on a molecular or atomic scale).

Swiss Celebrate Completion of World's Longest Railway Tunnel

On October 15th, the people of Switzerland celebrated with abandon, as the drill broke through the last piece of rock, finally connecting the two ends of the Gotthard Base Tunnel - The world's longest railway tunnel. The mammoth undertaking that cost about 10 billion USD took 2,600 workers, 12 years to accomplish - And, it's not done yet.

LCROSS Mission Reveals Additional Water And Other Surprises

In October of 2009, NASA blasted the Cabeus crater on the Moon's South Pole with a rocket, to look for evidence of water. Called the LCROSS mission, it was considered a huge success, after 25 gallons of water was discovered. However, a closer look at the data transmitted has revealed, that not only is there much more water than previously believed, but also, other surprising elements.

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