2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

AfricaSunday, November 21, 2010 at 4:28 pm

Mrs. IngleCheckout these fun stories from Africa.

The Nimble Goats Of Morroco

Goats grazing on precariously steep hillsides is a common sight - but perched high atop the branches of a tree? That's a sight you will only see if you go all the way to the North African country of Morocco.

The Galloping and Dino-Eating Crocodiles!

Paul Sereno, a resident paleontologist at National Geographic has been scouring the arid areas of the Sahara for many years, in search of crocodile fossils. Now his findings of five species of these ferocious creatures that roamed the Earth 100 million years ago, have been used to create an amazing  documentary entitled 'Crocs Eating Dinosaurs'.

Ahhhh - Open Wider Please! Zebra Plays Dentist At Zurich Zoo

Jill Stonseby, a Jacksonville, Florida resident was visiting the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland, when she came across this astonishing sight - a zebra peeking inside the mouth of a hippo.

Scientists Discover New Species Of Elephant Shrew

Scientists believe that they may have found a new species of the elusive Elephant Shrew or Sengi, in Kenya's remote Bon-Dori jungle.

Rare Pink Hippo Spotted In Kenya's Masai Mara

In early September, British wildlife photographers, Will and Mathew Burrard-Lucas went to Kenya's Masai Mara game preserve, hoping to capture images of the world-famous wildebeest migration. They ended up getting not only stunning migration pictures, but also, those of an extremely rare pink baby hippo.

Kevin Richardson A.K.A. Lion Whisperer

Kevin Richardson loves cats so much, that he sometimes spends the night curled up next to one - Not impressed? You will be when you realize, that his companions are not your normal tabby cats, but  wild ones, like lions, cheetahs and leopards.

Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary - A Place Where Man And Beast Live In Harmony

Visit Namibia's Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary and you are in for a treat - cheetahs and humans coexisting in harmony in an environment where there is no predator or prey.

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