Kids News - World News Articles

World Series Victory Provides Much Needed Cheer In Hurricane Ravaged Houston

Houston residents, recovering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey, finally have something to cheer about – a World Series victory. Thousands of fans lined up on the city streets on Friday, November 3 for a parade celebrating the Houston Astros who won the baseball championship with a resounding 5-1 score against the Los Angeles Dodgers in the seventh game. What makes the much-needed win even more special is that it is the first time the 56-year-old team has brought home the coveted trophy....

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World Series Victory Provides Much Needed Cheer In Hurricane Ravaged Houston

Mysterious Stretch Of Water in Antarctic Sea Ice Baffles Scientists

Antarctica’s Weddell Sea in the Southern Hemisphere is usually an uninterrupted sheet of ice during the frigid winter months of June, July and August. That is why the appearance of a massive area of open water, or polynya, in the middle of the sea is baffling scientists worldwide. First observed as a small hole in the winter of 2016, the polynya now extends an astounding 80,000 square kilometers, or about as big as the US state of Maine....

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Mysterious Stretch Of Water in Antarctic Sea Ice Baffles Scientists

Get Ready To "Fall Back" — Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday

North Americans will enjoy an extra hour of fun, or sleep, this weekend! That’s because Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends on November 5, which means that the clocks will turn back an hour. In addition to adding an extra 60 minutes to Sunday, this simple action effectively moves an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, making it easier to wake up....

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Get Ready To "Fall Back" — Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday

Video Of The Week — Meet Sophia, The World's First Robot Citizen

On October 26, Saudi Arabia made history by becoming the first country in the world to grant citizenship to a non-human. The stunning announcement came shortly after Sophia, a humanoid robot, had completed a live interview at the Future Investment Initiative held in the capital city of Riyadh from October 24 to 26. The three-day summit was organized by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia to connect the world’s most powerful investors, thought leaders, and public officials to future innovations....

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Video Of The Week — Meet Sophia, The World's First Robot Citizen

52-Million-Year-Old Ankle Fossil Suggests Our Ancestors Were High Flying Acrobats

Biologists have long believed the common ancestor of all primates was a small, deliberate animal which used its grasping hands and feet to scamper along thin branches foraging for fruits and insects. They theorized that the leaping skills came later, after the proto-primate evolved into two distinct groups — wet-nosed primates like lemurs and dry nosed primates that include monkeys, apes, and humans. However, the discovery of a perfectly preserved 52-million-year-old fossil seems to suggest that the first primate might have been leading an impressively acrobatic lifestyle, leaping from one tree to another....

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52-Million-Year-Old Ankle Fossil Suggests Our Ancestors Were High Flying Acrobats

Australia's Shell Beach Lives Up To Its Name

Earlier this year, National Geographic released a list of the world’s 21 most beautiful beaches. High among them, especially for sea-shell lovers, is Shell Beach. Located in the Shark Bay World Heritage Area in Western Australia, it is home to a 37-mile (60 km) stretch of white cockle shells....

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Australia's Shell Beach Lives Up To Its Name

Diwali, India's Glittering Festival Of Lights, Is Upon Us!

Festivals, most associated with religion, are an essential part of the Indian culture. There is rarely a week that goes by without some celebration. However, few are as widely observed as Diwali. Also known as Deepavali (row of lights), the joyous five-day ritual is the biggest and most anticipated of all Indian celebrations....

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Diwali, India's Glittering Festival Of Lights, Is Upon Us!