Kids News - Sports Articles

Bass Fishing A Competitive High School Sport? Two States Certainly Seem To Think So!

As with everything else, competitive sports in schools and colleges are constantly evolving. While mainstays like track, football and soccer remain the most popular, some unusual ones like and sand volleyball are slowly gaining ground. However, all of them still require some physical exertion. It is therefore no wonder that the decision to add bass fishing to the roster of high school 'sports' is raising some eyebrows....

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Bass Fishing A Competitive High School Sport? Two States Certainly Seem To Think So!

Need A Flying Car? Now You Have A Choice!

If you thought flying cars were something you would only encounter in Harry Potter movies, you are in for a pleasant surprise. That's because there are now not one, but two companies that have successfully figured out this rather tricky engineering feat....

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Need A Flying Car? Now You Have A Choice!

Volcano Boarding Anyone?

While snowboarding was once considered an exciting sport practiced only by an elite few, today it is one even young kids seem to master quite easily. It is therefore no wonder that adventurers seeking an adrenilin rush are resorting to a new thrill - Volcano Boarding!...

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Volcano Boarding Anyone?