On Wednesday October 18th, eight of the world's best wingsuit jumpers gathered at the edge of Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China to participate in the inaugural World Championships of the extreme sport. Originally scheduled to be held on the 13th, the event had to be delayed due to bad weather, a fact that did not seem to bother the contestants who all just wanted to soar in the skies!...
Read news articleOn Sunday October 14th, over eight million people tuned in to YouTube to watch Felix Baumgartner as he attempted his historic leap, from the edge of Space - And they were not disappointed. Not only did the 43-year old daredevil complete the jump as planned, at the end of the epic event, he simply got up and walked over to greet his cheering fans....
Read news articleImagine how you would feel if you were just hanging out in your room and in walked Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift or whoever it is that you have fantasized about meeting all your life. That, is exactly how Michael Phelps described as his reaction upon meeting this athlete that he has idolized since he was a kid - Except, the incident did not occur in the privacy of his home but in a television studio in front of a live audience, which means that his entire reaction was caught on tape! So who is this person? Read on . . ....
Read news articleWingsuit diving, a sport where daredevils leap off airplanes or mountains and fly at speeds exceeding 100mph with the help of just their birdman or squirrel suits, has been around in some form or shape since the 1930's. However, it is only recently thanks to stars like Jeb Corliss, that it has gained worldwide attention. Now with the announcement of the world's first Grand Prix, this extreme sport is finally going mainstream....
Read news articleAfter hosting a spectacular 'warm-up' Olympics, Londoners are now ready for the real event - the 2012 Summer Paralympics! The 11-day competition which begins tonight and will continue until September 9th, 2012, enables athletes with disabilities ranging from mobility to blindness and even cerebral palsy, to showcase their athletic prowess in an international arena....
Read news articleWhile the Summer Olympics may be over, the incredible stories about the dedicated athletes and their equally dedicated fans, keep pouring in. 57-year old Chen Gunanming from China's Jiangsu Province is one of them. Though not an Olympic athlete, his incredible journey to attend the 2012 London games deserves a gold medal for sheer perseverance and effort....
Read news articleIn April 2012, French athlete Philippe Croizon announced that he was going to symbolically link the world's five continents by swimming across the series of narrow straits that separates them. While the quest would have been challenging for any able-bodied person, it was even more so for this amazing man given that he is a quadruple amputee which means, he has neither arms nor legs....
Read news articleIf you are in the market for a new two-wheeler, you may want to consider this radical bicycle. The brainchild of Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni, the fully functional vehicle that costs just $10 USD to manufacture is crafted entirely from cardboard. And, incase you are wondering, it is water resistant too!...
Read news articleOn Sunday night, millions of people all around the world were once again glued to the television as London put on a lively Rock 'n' Roll concert to celebrate the end of the 2012 Summer Olympics. Over the last 17 days we have all shared the victories and disappointments of the numerous athletes that had amalgamated in London with one mission - To make their country proud, by bringing home a medal. Here, is a recap of some of moments that will forever be etched in our memories....
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