What sports do you guys play? My volleyball season is just about over...I have a couple of more practices and then I'll be done. I've been playing for 6 years, so it's crazy that this year's club season has already come to an end!
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Comments (10795)
I do volleyball
I do swim and dive! I just had a meet, and I'm so happy I scored good on my triple twist. My last practice was yesterday, and then summer swim starts in about two weeks. I also do triathlons, but I haven't had one of those for a while.
Yeah! I bet!
I play volleyball and I still newbie to volleyball! I first started playing back in December and playing it since. This week would be my last practice then done for season! This summer I will go to my new high-school volleyball camp and play beach volleyball with girls that I never met before lol! I also hope to play for my high-school volleyball team and I have to go to 3-days tryouts this August so...
I play soccer, 8 years already. Time has flown!
Cool! I don't play any sports, but I looooove watching them!
I actually don't play a sport but if I did, I would definitely choose volleyball
The school year is going by quickly and I can't wait for summer!
I know, right?! I can't wait for summer to finally arrive! But when summer is over, I'll start high school, and I'm so nervous to start lol
Oof, I'm going to be a freshman too. A lot of mixed feeling :(
Yeah, just how did we land on freshman so soon?! Yeah, I agree; lot of mixed feelings but at least we will be in high-school together!
LOL, yes!!! I can’t even believe it! High school??? I mean, wow! And yes, at least we can suffer together! 😂
Yeah! My mom was like, "No, you gotta stop growing! I just couldn't believe that you'll be in high-school!" LOL! 🤣Yeah, agreed!
Yay I can't wait either!
I'm not going to be a freshman.. still in middle school. :(
Enjoy middle school while it lasts, trust me high school comes soon enough
Yeah, I agree. She'll start middle school this year. I remember being sixth grader nearly 3 years ago and now I'm eighth grade going on ninth grade! @doggiechristmas, high-school would come around so QUICKLY
Same! Can't wait for summer.
Me too, although I'm terrified for high school next year!
Same here! I have feelings ranging from dread to excitement
Oh, I'm sure you will be fine. I have a couple of years until high school 😂
Yeah, me too
You're lucky
Today I have a very special shout-out to @bsc I didn't really think you got a lot of those so here is your very own shout-out lol
Go @bsc!!!
Aw, thanks. It has been a while since I have been on here, so it's nice to see this!
Nice to see you again! 👏🏻
May 5th is World Laughter Day and Cinco de Mayo!