I would love to read this book but I never seen the movie of Ben 10 Swarm and I want to love to see this movie and I bet it has my personal favorite alien named XLR8because he can run really fast even though he can make tornados and he can whip someone in to the air with his tail and it makes me want to have my own Omnitrix with all Ben 10 aliens like Astrodactyl because he can fly,he has his really cool energy whips and also he can shoots out of energy beam out of his beak like mouth,Blitzwolfer because he is alien werewolf because I love werewolves and XLR8.

Ben 10 Alien Swarm (Ben 10 Alien Force) Ben 10 Alien Swarm
By Tracey (ADP) West Tracey West
Ben Tennyson leaves a secret organization that battles alien forces to help a mysterious young woman uncover an alien threat to Earth.
Title: Ben 10 Alien Swarm
Author: West, Tracey (ADP)
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
Publication Date: 2009/09/01
Number of Pages: 94
Binding Type: PAPERBACK
Library of Congress: bl2009029860
Title: Ben 10 Alien Swarm
Author: West, Tracey (ADP)
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
Publication Date: 2009/09/01
Number of Pages: 94
Binding Type: PAPERBACK
Library of Congress: bl2009029860
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
ISBN-13: 9780545160520
ISBN-10: 0545160529
Published on 9/1/2009
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 94