Veterans Day Celebrates Our Real-Life Superheroes

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Veterans Day is celebrated annually on November 11 (Credit: Prescott.Az.Gov)

Always wanted to meet a real-life superhero? Then you are in luck for November 11 is Veterans Day, an opportunity to thank the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces, who often risk their lives to protect our freedom. This includes all those who have served in the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, Air Force, and the Coast Guard.

Formerly known as Armistice Day, the 100-year-old tradition was started by US President Woodrow Wilson on November 11, 1919, to commemorate World War I soldiers. The day marked the first anniversary of the November 11, 1918, armistice between the Allied Nations and Germany, which led to the end of the four-year, three-month-long “Great War.” Armistice Day, which became a federal US holiday in 1938, was renamed as Veterans Day in 1954 to include World War II (1939—1945) and Korean War (1950—1953) soldiers.

The first Armistice Day celebrations in Philadelphia,, PA on November 11, 1918 (Credit: Library Company of Philadelphia /Public Domain)

The 1968 Uniform Holiday Bill passed to ensure three-day weekends for federal employees altered the dates of the celebration of four national holidays — Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Columbus Day — to Mondays. Under this bill, Veterans Day was moved to the fourth Monday of October. However, given the date's significance, many states were unhappy with the change and continued commemorating the holiday on November 11.

To end the confusion, on September 20, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed a law to return the celebration to its original date. The law went into effect in 1978, and since then, Veterans Day has always been observed on November 11.

Veterans are the true-life superheroes of this world (Credit: Portland Police/Facebook)

Though Memorial Day and Veterans Day both celebrate American military personnel, they each serve a different purpose. Memorial Day, commemorated on the last Monday of May, honors all US soldiers who have died or sustained a wound in a war. Veterans Day pays tribute to all American soldiers – both living and dead. Its primary purpose, however, is to thank living veterans for their service and sacrifices.

Most Americans show their gratitude by participating in one of the numerous parades held nationwide. Though that is a great start, there are countless other things you can do show your appreciation for the soldiers. Invite the veterans in your family or neighborhood for a meal and talk to them about their experiences. Alternatively, deliver food and supplies to the closest veteran center or, even better, spend time with injured soldiers who may be confined to their homes. Most importantly, be sure to always thank veterans for their service to the country.

Veterans Day celebrates all those who served in the military (Credit:

Several countries worldwide honor their soldiers on November 11, as well. In the United Kingdom, the holiday pays tribute to all soldiers, living or dead, while in Canada, it is a day to honor all living veterans. The holiday, however, goes by different names. France and New Zealand still refer to it as Armistice Day, while the UK, Australia, and Canada call it Remembrance Day. Malta and South Africa celebrate it as Poppy Day.

Thank You For Your Service Veterans!


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  • blueriles
    bluerilesover 4 years
    This is an amazing article my Tata served . He was the guy that shoots the gun from the helicopter. His name is Arthur
    • julius101
      julius101over 4 years
      Under federal law, a veteran is any person who served honorably on active duty in the armed forces of the United States. My teacher is a veteran.
    • gatchaforlife
      gatchaforlifeover 4 years
      oh we are thankful for the usa
      • Wowover 4 years
        My great grandpa was in world war 1 he is awesome
        • Gabrielover 4 years
          Our country needs protection from people and veterans are the one 's who do that so, thank you alot veterans!! We love you!!!!!!😀💕
          • Period Poohover 4 years
            Happy Veterans Day To my grandpa,Dad,and uncle
            • heavytoothpaste
              heavytoothpasteover 4 years
              YAY GO VETERANS!!!
              • Mr. manover 4 years
                Thank you veterans, You do so much for this country, and this country would not be the same without you.
                • Dance or singover 4 years
                  Hi,Happy veterans day!💂My Great-Grandpa is a vetern!
                  • JakeCox17over 4 years
                    My grandpa was in the Army
                    • shamblinjesse
                      shamblinjesseover 4 years
                      My grandpa was is Vietnam! He’s the best grandpa I could ever wish for!!! Thank you for serving Veterans