Rebecca Shapiro's life takes unexpected turn. After her parents separate, her mom drags Rebecca and her brother, Lew to her original home: Atlanta. While staying with her grandmother, Rebecca finds a magical bread box that can make almost anything appear inside. However, is this bread box really trustworthy...or dangerous?
Bigger than a Bread Box
By Laurel Snyder
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grades 3 - 8 | W | 4.3 | 52835 |
Book Reviews (4)
I just finished this book and had a lot on my mind. This book tells the story of Rebecca, a 12-year girl who I sent to Atlanta, Georgia with her brother and mom because of a fight between her parents. Soon after arriving in Atlanta, Rebecca discovers a magical bread box in the attic. The magic part: whatever she wishes for will show up in the box! Rebecca attempts many wishes, only to find that things small enough to fit in the bread box will show up. When Rebecca makes one big wish, she will accept that....... WAIT! I'm sorry, you have to read the rest of the story to find out. GO READ THE STORY!!! :) (:
I loved this book and recommend it to all my 4th grade students. The story follows a middle-school student named Rebecca. In the beginning, her life appears to be happy and ordinary. Suddenly, everything changes. One night, her parents get into a terrible fight, and her mom decides to move the family from Baltimore to Georgia to live with Gran. In Gran's attic, Rebecca ends up finding a magical breadbox. Will the magic be strong enough to make her family whole again? Bigger than a Breadbox is absolutely fantastic. It is so beautifully written. Laurel Snyder is wonderful.
It's a combo of a sad, adventure, and happiness! It's the BEST BOOK EVER! It made me cry but I kept on reading and reading because I loved the book sooooooooooooooo much!